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Vessel / Ship Name
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Please choose a valid vessel name.
Company Name
Please choose a valid Company Name.
Please choose a valid Email.
IMO Number
Please choose a valid IMO number.
VAT / Chamber of Commerce registration number
Please choose a valid VAT number.
Operator's registered address
Please provide a registered office Address.
Operator's country of incorporation
Select Country
Please select a country.
Operator's country of state
Select State
Operator's city of incorporation
Select City
Name of authorized Person
Please select a valid authorized person name.
Please provide a valid designation.
Please select the situation applicable to your vessel:
Vessel is used 100% for commercial purposes and is not a self-elevating platform (e.g. a jack up rig).
In 2024 > 70% of the travelled distance took place in international waters*
In 2024 > 70% of the journeys were in international waters*
In 2024 > 70% of the time of vessels operational use was in international waters*
All the above or at least 1 of the above during the 5 years preceeding 2025
Vessel is used > 90% of its time for commercial fishing purposes.
Vessel is operated >90% of its time at sea as a rescue, pilot, salvage ship, Tugboat, Coastguard, Pilot boats, ships with sole firefighting purpose or police ships.
Vessel is owned by a government and serves an active military purpose. Next port will be outside of the current country’s territorial waters.
Vessel has been recently acquired or is a newbuilding and the intended use in 2023 is as indicated above.
Upload Ship Stamp
Please upload ship stamp.
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Please upload signature.
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